
R14 - R44


Nasturtium (Tropaeolum Majus) is an easy-to-grow annual edible flower from the Tropoaeolaceae family and is native to Mexico, Central America and northern South America. 

Our Nasturtium dwarf mix comes in lovely shades of gold, orange, red and yellow. 

Nasturtium is used as a trap crop in companion planting, luring aphids and other garden pests away from the more valuable vegetables. 

The plant buds beautiful and bright yellow and orange flowers with red spots or stripes. The flowers are funnel shaped and grow a long spur that contains the plants sweet nectar. The peppery tasting, shield-shaped leaves that grow on the plant are a popular addition to a salad. 

This plant grows between 2.4m and 3.6m tall, with flowers blooming all year long.



Nasturtiums are a Natural Insect Repellant

  • This plant works as an insect repellant in several ways. Firstly, Nasturtiums work to hide the scent of plants that are commonly targeted by pests. The leaves, which produce a strong scent, actively repel certain pests while attracting others as a trap crop.
  • Nasturtiums can be planted as a sacrificial companion plant that attract cabbage white butterflies to lay their eggs upon the leaves, leaving other crops to thrive.
  • Pests: Aphids, Caterpillars, Flea beetles, Slugs and Whiteflies 

Nasturtiums Are Edible and High in Nutrients

  • Not only is this plant beautiful to look at, but they are also a great addition in the kitchen! The leaves have a light peppery flavour that can be likened to rocket and watercress. The flowers have a milder and more sweet nectar taste.
  • The leaves are high in vitamin C, which supports a strong immune system, iron and other minerals. The flowers are plentiful in vitamins B1, B2, B3 and C and also contain manganese, iron, phosphorus and calcium.

Nasturtiums Can Be Used for Companion Planting

  • Nasturtiums are a beneficial addition to your garden when companion planted alongside cannabis, tomatoes, sweet corn, turnips, radishes, cucumbers, broccoli, cabbage, kale and zucchini.

Nasturtiums Attract Beneficial Insects

  • The sweet nectar that is produced in the flower of this plant attracts helpful pollinating insects like bees, butterflies and nectar-eating birds. As well as this, the plant attracts hoverflies, that feed on other pests found in the garden.

Easy to Grow

  • This is the perfect plant for the lazy gardener. Nasturtiums are not fussy about sun, soil or shade and do not require extra fertilizer. They are an ideal start for the novice gardener.

Great for Mulch and Ground Cover

  • The leaves of the Nasturtium are known for their profuse leaf growth and are therefore great to chop up and drop around your plants to use as a mulch. In addition, Nasturtiums can be grown as a ground cover to shade soil and aid in reducing moisture loss. As Nasturtiums break down and decompose, they will contribute by adding nutrients back into your soil.
  • The thick cover created by Nasturtium leaves will provide enough shade to overcome competition of other weed growth.
  • Works great with larger plants like cannabis and tomatoes 

Produces Seeds

  • When the Nasturtium flower dies off it produces a seed head. Every flower produces 2-3 new pale green seeds, which if left alone will drop to the ground and self-sow or they can be used in cooking.


How To Use

A beautiful plant used as a companion plant and a delicious edible plant.

  • Season: Spring to Autumn (20 – 25°C) Nasturtium seeds sprout best when the soil is warm.
  • Germinate 7-14 days
  • Depth: 10 mm
  • Spacing: 25 x 25 cm
  • Harvest: 60 – 70 days
  • Height: 25 – 30 cm
  • Flowering Season: Summer
  • Exposure: Full Sun

    Ideal Growing Environment:

    • Nasturtiums do well in poorer soils and do not typically need extra fertiliser unless your soil is extremely poor.
    • Soil should be well-draining.
    • Plant Nasturtiums in full sun (6–8 hours of sunlight) to achieve the best results.
    • Nasturtiums will grow in partial shade (3–6 hours of sunlight), however they will not bloom as well.


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