Natural organic fungicide. For the preventative control of fungal diseases. Biodegradable.
A patented ultra-low-load copper fungicide formulation for the control of many common diseases using low concentrations of plant available copper. Copper Soap provides long lasting protection as a contact fungicide while also supplying an essential element that stimulates the plants natural immune system.
Mode of action
In aqueous solutions, copper octanoate forms ultrafine needle shaped crystals. This unique fatty acid based formulation helps the copper ions (Cu++) to be taken up by fungal and bacterial spores during germination leading to accumulation of levels which are toxic, thereby disrupting cellular proteins, causing death of the pathogen. For effective control it is important to spray Copper Soap on the leaf, flower or fruit before spores begin to germinate and cause infection. The Copper Soap formulation aids in uniform distribution on the plant surface, thereby improving coverage of the crop and the product efficacy.
Copper Soap is not harmful to beneficial organisms
As little as 90g metallic copper per ha of Copper Soap provides adequate plant protection and due to this low concentration it poses no threat to copper toxicity in the plant or soil. Copper Soap decomposes in the soil to form soluble copper and fatty acid, both of which can be used by the microbes and plants.
How it works
Copper Octanoate is a fungicide and bactericide used to control a wide range of plant diseases. The formulation known as a soap is made by combining a soluble copper fertilizer with a naturally-occurring fatty acid. It decomposes to form soluble copper, and fatty acid, both of which can be used by microbes and plants.
As with most fungicides, it acts to protect plants from infection. Copper soap is a preventative spray and therefore it is important to have the spray covering the leaf or fruit before the pathogen is able to cause an infection.
The copper soap fungicide controls many common diseases using low concentrations of copper, down to as low as 90 ppm. The net result is an excellent vegetable, fruit and ornamental fungicide. It decomposes to form soluble copper, and fatty acid, both of which can be used by microbes and plants.
This product will control fungal diseases such as: powdery mildew and downy mildew on vegetables and ornamentals, rust on ornamentals, late blight on potatoes and tomatoes, as well as Peronospora and downy mildew on grapes.
- Most copper fungicides do not control powdery mildew, the combination of fatty acid and copper will control both powdery and downy mildew.
- Effective without a wetting agent as the octanoate content acts as surfactant to reduce the surface tension of water.
- Contains only 18g/kg metallic copper equivalent, as compared
to other copper fungicides:
- Copper Oxychloride: 500g/kg metallic copper equivalent
- Copper Hydroxide: 120g/ℓ metallic copper equivalent
Therefore less copper contamination and more sprays can be sprayed in organic production, where the limitation is 6kg metallic copper per hectare per season. - No phytotoxicity.
- Organically certified.
- Copper Soap is not harmful to beneficial organisms.
- Manufactured from only natural ingredients. It is odourless and very easy to clean out spray equipment.
- Controls a whole range of diseases.
How to use
Downy Mildew & Powdery mildew:
Mix 50 mℓ - 150 mℓ of copper soap per 10 ℓ of water, use the higher dosage under high infection periods. This equates to 10 mℓ - 30 mℓ per 2 ℓ of water.
Early Blight (Common Tomatoes):
Mix 100 mℓ - 200 mℓ of copper soap per 10 ℓ of water, use the higher dosage under high infection periods. This equates to 20 mℓ - 40 mℓ per 2 ℓ of water.
- Use a Compression Sprayer with a fine mist setting to generously distribute the Copper Soap solution over the plant canopy or affected areas.
- Ensure thorough wetting of the plant with coverage on the top and underside of the leaf. Use higher rates under high infection periods. Established infestations will require more than 1 application.
Advanced Directions:
- The maximum concentration at which Copper Soap can be applied is a 2% solution. The following should be noted:
- Apply Copper Soap every 7-10 days, depending on weather conditions. Under high pressure infection periods use the higher recommended rate and re-apply after rainfall. Ensure thorough coverage on the top and underside of the leaf. Do not spray to the point of runoff.
- Spraying Copper Soap on the leaf, flower or fruit before spores begin to germinate and cause infection is very important for disease control. It is important to identify the disease before spraying as the recommended dosage rates will change accordingly. Begin applications 2 weeks prior to the expected occurrence of the disease.
- Physical compatibility should first be checked by mixing the recommended dosages of the products in a small jar test. Then test the spray mix combinations for phytotoxicity on a sample of crops prior to use. Do not apply in temperatures above 30°C.
- Citrus: Do not mix Copper Soap with oil when applied to citrus.
- Pome Fruit: Do not exceed one application between silver tip and green tip growth stages. May cause russeting of susceptible apple varieties such as Goldens. Do not exceed 1% concentration.
- Grapes: Do not mix with lime.
Diseases controlled: Mildew, Blights, Rusts, Leaf spots, Rots.
- Contains 100 g / kg Copper Octanoate (10%).
- Certified organic by OMRI.
- Reg. No. L7062 Act no. 36 of 1947.
USA EPA Registration # 67702-2 for the concentrate.
For placement of large orders contact us at: office@greenhouston.co.za.